NAACP Issues Travel Warning For Florida

NAACP Issues Travel Warning For Florida
Image copyright: Michael Riviera [via Wikimedia Commons]

The Spin

Democratic narrative

It’s important for the NAACP and other organizations to make sure travelers to Florida, which is heavily reliant on the tourism industry, know what they’re supporting with their money. DeSantis and his Republican apparatus are waging war on diversity and inclusion, and organizations and individuals who stand against him must speak out for the world to hear.

Republican narrative

These baseless attacks from Democrats and others on the radical left are clearly intended to hamper DeSantis’s presidential aspirations. Most of what the governor has signed into law has been done to protect children from being medically harmed or educationally indoctrinated by the left. Florida is a perfectly safe place — after all, the Black chairman of the NAACP lives there.

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