EPA to Limit 'Forever Chemicals' in Drinking Water

EPA to Limit 'Forever Chemicals' in Drinking Water
Image copyright: Justin Sullivan/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The Biden Administration on Wednesday set the first-ever national limits on 'forever chemicals,' or perfluoroalkyl and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), in drinking water.

  • The new regulation is aimed at reducing exposure to PFAS — toxic and synthetic compounds that don't degrade in the environment and cause multiple health issues, including cancer and development delays in children.

  • Water utilities will need to test for six types of PFAS in drinking water and reduce their levels in drinking water to four parts per trillion or less starting in 2029. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it's the lowest level that can be reliably measured.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Regulating PFAS levels in drinking water will be extremely expensive for utility providers, and this cost increase will almost certainly be passed onto consumers. It should be implemented only when the government promises to subsidize more of this incredibly costly regulatory process.

Pro-establishment narrative

Forever chemicals have known harmful health impacts and must be regulated. It's outrageous that toxic and nondegradable chemicals are present in America's drinking water, and it's high time that water providers tested for and treated water containing PFAS.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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