The Jewish community has a right to a homeland that was rightfully theirs to start with. Israel has been more than willing to make peace and has attempted to do so numerous times throughout the last century, but it faces enemies that never could accept the presence of a Jewish state. The biggest roadblock to peace has been the Palestinians and their enablers' denial of Israel's right to exist. With powerful terrorist organizations just across the border, who exist solely to destroy the Jewish homeland, Israel must protect itself and its citizens. Its actions in Gaza are simply self-defense, and any accusations of genocide are an attempt to pervert the meaning of the term.
Israel is a settler-colonial entity and product of European colonialism in the Arab world. No one is denying that the Jewish community has historically faced persecution but this doesn't mean that European Jews had the right to come to Palestine, ethnically cleanse the indigenous population, and establish an apartheid state that treats Palestinians and Arab Israelis as second-class citizens. There has been systematic, state-supported discrimination and human rights violations going back generations, and Israel's latest actions in Gaza can only be labeled genocide. The only just solution is the end of the war in Gaza, the end of Israel’s illegal occupation, and the establishment of a Palestinian state.