09 April 2024

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Biden Announces Further Student Debt Relief Plans

The Facts

  • Pres. Joe Biden announced a new student debt forgiveness plan on Monday during a campaign visit to Wisconsin, building on his previous policies to cancel the debt of millions of borrowers.

  • He said the new relief, which comes after the Supreme Court struck down his initial plan to cancel up to $20K for roughly 43M eligible debtors, could be "life-changing" for "hard-working Americans."

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Joe Biden is committed to helping millions of Americans crushed by student loan debt and will not sit on his hands while people struggle. Though the right-wing Supreme Court struck down Biden's initial proposal to provide sweeping relief, it didn't rule that Biden was prohibited from passing smaller relief packages. The GOP has no interest in helping millions of young people who are simply looking to get ahead by receiving an education. Still, Biden and the Democrats will do everything possible to provide desperately needed aid to those Americans.

Republican narrative

Last year, the Supreme Court rightfully struck down Biden's unconstitutional proposal to cancel billions of dollars of student debt, yet the president kept trying to circumvent the ruling. Everyone knows that debt doesn't simply disappear, meaning that Biden is asking the American taxpayer to foot a nearly half-trillion-dollar bill to pay for other people's college degrees. From ignoring the Constitution to stealing from taxpayers, Biden and the Democrats are showing a clear disregard for American citizens.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the US student loan debt bubble will "pop" by 2038, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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DRC: Mortar Fire Kills Three Tanzanian Soldiers

The Facts

  • According to the Southern African Development Community (SADC), three Tanzanian soldiers were killed in a mortar attack in conflict-ridden eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

  • The soldiers, part of the SADC's peacekeeping mission (SAMIDRC) to support the DRC's government troops fighting the M23 rebels, died after a "hostile mortar round" hit "near the camp they were staying at."

The Spin

Narrative A

The growing number of fatalities in this conflict is a grim reminder of Rwanda's illegal presence in the region. In a bid to control the DRC's vast mineral resources, Rwandan President Paul Kagame is pulling the strings by supporting the M23, increasing the risk of a full-scale regional conflict. This situation already ranks as one of the world's most complex humanitarian disasters, which is why Kagame's forces must be removed from the country immediately.

Narrative B

The global narrative surrounding this conflict ignores the basic failed governance by the DRC. By accusing Rwanda of supporting the M23, Kinshasa is manipulating the international community and distracting attention from its own failure. Besides the M23, some 250 other armed groups are active in the region, with the DRC backing the group responsible for the 1994 genocide and threatening to invade Rwanda. The conflict can only be resolved if Kinshasa is forced to take responsibility.

Nerd narrative

There is a 60% chance, that the DRC will experience a civil war before 2036, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Japanese Firms Warn AI Could Collapse Social Order

Photo: Unsplash

The Facts

  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Japan's largest telecom company, and Yomiuri Shimbun Group Holdings, the country's biggest newspaper, have called for a law to end unrestrained use of artificial intelligence (AI).

  • They warned that democracy and social order could be in peril in the face of unhindered AI development.

The Spin

Narrative A

AI struggles with hallucinations, confidently generating inaccurate information. Despite guardrails, these hallucinations are a challenge as these errors have consequences. A full eradication of the problem may be difficult, and perfect accuracy remains a distant goal. Trust in AI responses must be sparing, as there's no immediate fix in sight.

Narrative B

AI errors ought to be viewed as creative experimentation. The focus should be on embracing AI's unpredictable nature rather than aiming for specific outcomes. AI hallucinations could be a concern in fields like finance and healthcare, and ways to leverage them for creative endeavors must be explored for innovative outcomes. Proper context is key to managing this risk.

Narrative C

AI's chatbots' hallucinations act as a buffer, requiring human verification before full reliance on AI-generated content. The debate continues on whether these hallucinations can be eliminated entirely. For now, they offer a balance with even some upside, preventing complete automation and maintaining human involvement in critical decision-making processes.

Nerd narrative

There's an 81% chance that by June 30, 2025, OpenAI will release an LLM product or API that hallucinates 5x less than GPT-4 did when it was released, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Giving $6.6B to Taiwan Company for US Chip Production

The Facts

  • Aiming to encourage US-based production of advanced chips, the Biden administration announced on Monday that it has pledged to give Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) up to $6.6B to expand its facility in Arizona.

  • In addition to the $6.6B grant, the US is also giving $5B in loans to help the chipmaker expand production from two to three facilities in Phoenix, Arizona, which will create more than 25K "direct construction and manufacturing jobs."

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

President Biden is following through on his promise to ensure that the US has access to cutting-edge chip manufacturing on US soil — a major national security priority. By supporting TSMC's project, and providing nearly $20B in grants and loans to help the US manufacturer Intel reclaim its position as a chipmaking leader, the US will be a world leader in advanced technology. It will also create thousands of qualified jobs in Arizona.

Establishment-critical narrative

While the White House may celebrate giving $6.6B to TSMC as a major investment into US chipmaking, the real story is how the announcement will contribute to escalating tensions with China. Chip manufacturing and Taiwan are at the heart of a soft conflict between Washington and Beijing, and Biden giving billions to a Taiwanese chip giant surely won't sit well. Deepening ties with TSMC will only add fuel to the fire.

Nerd narrative

There is a 3% chance there will be an emergency shutdown at a Taiwan Semiconductor (TSMC) facility before January 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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RFK Jr. Staffer Claims NY Ballot Would Help 'Get Rid' of Pres. Biden

The Facts

  • A Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. staff member reportedly told a group of New York Republicans that having the independent presidential candidate on the state's election ballot would reportedly help "get rid of Biden."

  • The video shows a self-described Kennedy campaign staff member, Rita Palma, claiming that Trump could only win New York in the 2024 Presidential Election by having "Bobby in the mix" as part of a wider strategy to "block Biden from winning the presidency."

The Spin

Narrative A

Kennedy's continued presence in 2024's election race may well put Trump back in the White House. Having been aided by the influence of minor parties in the 2016 election, the former president will benefit not only from Kennedy but also from names such as Jill Stein and Cornel West — who are destined to eat away at Biden's progressive voter bases. Despite the White House's continued optimism, the influence of third-party candidates remains a considerable detriment to Biden's campaign.

Narrative B

Although Kennedy's pro-Trump stance has been long suspected, RFK Jr. is certainly not only a danger to Pres. Biden. While Trump was once amicable towards RFK Jr.'s campaign, recent spats against the independent candidate suggest that MAGA Republicans are feeling the heat. There's currently no way to know how a third significant name on the ballot will affect voting in November — Trump is by no means out of the woods.

Establishment-critical narrative

Kennedy is a candidate admired by disenfranchised Republicans and Democrats alike, and despite the restrictions of America's two-party system, the RFK Jr. campaign has gained traction. The US is destined to continue down the wrong path if either Trump or Biden enters the White House once again — Kennedy has a real opportunity come November to begin America's much-needed healing process.

Nerd narrative

There is a 1% chance that RFK Jr. will be elected US President in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK's Cameron Meets Trump in Florida Ahead of Blinken Visit

The Facts

  • British Foreign Minister Lord David Cameron travelled to the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and met with former US Pres. Donald Trump on Monday. The two reportedly discussed Ukraine, NATO, and the conflict in the Middle East.

  • The visit came as insiders from Trump's re-election campaign spoke to reporters from the Washington Post, outlining that Trump has envisioned bringing an end to the Ukraine war by pushing Ukraine to cede Crimea — under Russian control since 2014 — as well as the border Donbas region.

The Spin

Narrative A

This visit from the UK's David Cameron to the US reaffirms both countries' long-term commitment to supporting Ukraine. Ukraine's success in this conflict is vital for American and European security. Russia cannot be allowed to succeed as it would only to serve to embolden more land-grabs from other autocratic countries.

Narrative B

It's tricky to see how Cameron could effectively enact any level of diplomacy with the US over Ukraine if the UK wants an all out victory for the nation. Trump has only just expressed his support for a rapid peace plan, involving Kyiv surrendering territory to Moscow. Many Americans have grown skeptical of the amount of tax payer money being sunk into this conflict and care more about a practical conclusion than proving a point on the world stage.

Nerd narrative

There is a 5% chance there will be a bilateral cease-fire or peace agreement in the Russo-Ukraine conflict in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Tesla Settles Autopilot Crash Lawsuit

The Facts

  • Elon Musk-owned Tesla has settled a lawsuit with the family of Walter Huang, an Apple engineer killed in a 2018 crash involving a Model X on Autopilot. Details of the deal are unknown.

  • Huang was using the driver assistance system when he crashed into a divider in California, placing Tesla's Autopilot and "Full Self Driving" tech under a lens.

The Spin

Narrative A

Tesla is up front with its customers that their full focus is an absolute requirement while driving its cars on Autopilot. The company informs them of the need to be ready to take control at any moment, so you can't blame the company or its technology if the driver fails to follow these instructions.

Narrative B

Tesla needs to be held responsible for the misconceptions surrounding its Autopilot feature. Misunderstanding — partly attributed to misleading labeling like "Full Self-Driving" — is a key reason for the series of crashes involving its cars. Clearer names could aid comprehension and be crucial for users to grasp the technology's limits.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that a DUI will be overruled or turned down because of riding in a driverless car by Dec. 4, 2029, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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European Court: Switzerland's Climate Inaction Violated Human Rights

The Facts

  • The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday found that Switzerland violated the human rights of its citizens when its climate change policies failed to protect them from climate impacts.

  • The Court, which rejects on average 90% of the cases received, expedited its review of three climate-based cases — including the case against Switzerland because of its cascading impact on three other courts examining government climate policy.

The Spin

Narrative A

Switzerland has been and will remain committed to its net zero target. This landmark ruling does not change the level of devotion granted to slashing emissions. While this ruling doesn't make much sense with respect to Switzerland, the government will take time to review its recommendations and determine how to shape future actions.

Narrative B

While some cases were thrown out, the success of the Swiss women's case was a win for Switzerland, Europe, and beyond. Their case proves that governments have a responsibility to protect the physical and mental health of their people — and to not do so is a clear violation of human rights. This is a pivotal moment for the sustainability of humanity's future.

Narrative C

Climate and environmental disasters have been predicted by modern-day doomsayers for decades. None of the apocalyptic predictions have come true so far. It's irresponsible to codify public policy consequences when the climate debate is still unsettled.

Nerd narrative

There's an 82% chance that the EU will rank above the US and China on the Climate Change Performance Index every year until 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Panama Papers Trial Begins for 27 Defendants

The Facts

  • Roughly eight years after the Panama Papers were revealed, 27 people connected to the scandal are on trial for money laundering and tax evasion charges in a Panamanian court.

  • At the center of the 11M-page financial document dump scandal was the Mossack-Fonseca law firm, whose owners — Juergen Mossack and Ramón Fonseca — are accused of setting up shell companies to help some of the world's richest people hide their money.

The Spin

Narrative A

The system is working well when a phenomenal piece of journalism leads the authorities to scrutinize the wrongdoings of the elites. Tax evasion hurts smaller countries as well as the biggest, so hopefully this trial provides justice for taxpayers and holds accountable those who worked to help wealthy individuals avoid paying taxes.

Narrative B

The Panama Papers probe, and investigations like it, do a great job of holding some wrongdoers accountable, but there is wider-spread systemic corruption than these US State Department-funded reports are showing. Those who are friendly with the US should face the same justice as those who oppose American influence worldwide.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the world will create the first Trillionaire by May 2032, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Mattel Announces New, More 'Inclusive' Scrabble

The Facts

  • Toy and game manufacturer Mattel announced it will launch a more "inclusive" and "collaborative" version of Scrabble, marking the biggest change in the 75-year history of the board game.

  • The new version, Scrabble Together, will be played on a double-sided board, opposite the traditional Scrabble board. Players will be able to choose which version they want to play based on their experience and competitiveness.

The Spin

Progressive narrative

This is a smart move to bring people together and make the game more appealing and inclusive to a wider pool of prospective players. Those feigning outrage over this are acting like the classic version is being replaced, but it's not. There's nothing wrong with Mattel bringing the fun of Scrabble to those who have been intimidated, or simply disinterested, in the traditional version.

Conservative narrative

You can add Scrabble to the growing list of board games that are being dumbed down for Gen Z, as younger generations continue to suffer from "everyone gets a trophy" syndrome. Scrabble Together essentially removes the challenging aspects of the game. This wouldn't be a big deal if it weren’t a symptom of a greater problem — that young people are averse to anything that's not on a screen or involves competition and any risk of failure.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the Woke index in US elite media will top by Dec. 31, 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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