11 April 2024

Daily Newsletter

SKorea: Opposition Wins Parliamentary Election

The Facts

  • Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party (DPK) won Wednesday's election in South Korea, securing a majority. DPK managed to secure 175 of the National Assembly's 300 seats.

  • The election result was a setback for President Yoon Suk Yeol and his conservative party, with numerous commentators seeing the contest as a referendum on Yoon's performance.

The Spin

Narrative A

South Korea's liberal opposition party won a landslide victory in the general election because President Yoon failed to adequately handle the rising cost of living and the challenges associated with an increasing elderly population. The Democratic Party pledged to lead the way in resolving the economic crisis, but it will require legislators from all parties to focus on addressing financial turbulence.

Narrative B

South Korea's general election dealt a huge blow to President Yoon's administration. However, avoiding the supermajority of two-thirds opposition domination, which could pass constitutional modifications and overcome presidential vetoes, actually proved to be a blessing in disguise. Yoon will most likely be a lame duck in domestic politics for the remaining three years of his presidency, leaving him free to focus on his foreign policy agenda — an arena where he's more effective.

Nerd narrative

There is a 10% chance North Korea and South Korea will be recognized as a unified sovereign state by 2045, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Three Sons of Hamas Leader Killed in Israeli Airstrike

The Facts

  • Three sons of one of the most senior Hamas leaders, Ismail Haniyeh, were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza on Wednesday, confirmed by both Hamas and the Israeli military.

  • The three sons — Hazem, Amir, and Mohammad — were reportedly killed by a drone strike on a vehicle in Gaza's northern Al-Shati refugee camp. Haniyeh said "some of [his] grandchildren were" killed too.

The Spin

Pro-Israel narrative

Haniyeh's sons were legitimate targets in Israel's existential struggle against Hamas. The strike has no connection to the current cease-fire talks, since the terrorist group's military leadership, not the political wing, is pulling the strings. Hamas' military leaders don't want a deal but rather Israel's total surrender to all its demands. So long as Hamas maintains its practice of violence with no end goal, Israel will continue to combat the enemy and defend its land.

Pro-Palestine narrative

The ruthless killing of Haniyeh's sons and grandchildren is a blatant Israeli attempt to undermine negotiations. It is certainly no coincidence that the assassinations were executed as Hamas was about to respond to Israel's so-called cease-fire proposal. However, the regime is mistaken to believe that Hamas will abandon its demands. As Israel continues to violate international law against the Palestinian people, the struggle against the bloody, US-backed Gaza incursion will continue.

Nerd narrative

There is a 67% chance, that Israel will have de facto power in the Gaza Strip on January 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Vietnam: Billionaire Sentenced to Death in Fraud Case

The Facts

  • Truong My Lan, the Chairwoman of Vietnamese real estate development company Van Thinh Phat, has been sentenced to death by a Ho Chi Minh City jury on charges of stealing $44B from the Saigon Commercial Bank for over a decade.

  • Truong, 67, is accused of fraudulently taking out loans from the bank over 11 years. Prosecutors said she had her driver withdraw more than $4B in cash over three years and store it in her basement, an amount that could weigh two tons.

The Spin

Narrative A

Vietnam is known for conducting show trials, but the amount of detailed effort prosecutors put into this case shows it may be different this time around. Truong, whose ancestry dates back to Saigon before the Communist government's economic crackdown, has been growing her portfolio for decades, from selling cosmetics to purchasing real estate. She may very well have been trying to bypass the government's strict rules on wealth.

Narrative B

While Vietnam may prosecute some real criminals here and there, its overall anti-corruption agenda appears to be aimed at ousting political rivals and stifling normal business practices. Government officials, for instance, are, out of pure fear of being charged with corruption, refusing to approve investments and thus leaving public programs in limbo. By inhibiting business deals, the ruling party is kneecapping its own state-run economic goals.

Nerd narrative

There's a 5% chance that Vietnam will experience a coup d'etat before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden: US 'Considering' Australian Call to Drop Assange Charges

The Facts

  • US Pres. Joe Biden on Wednesday said he's "considering" an Australian call for his government to drop its prosecution of the WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange.

  • Assange, an Australian citizen who has fought against extradition to the US from a British prison, faces a total of 18 charges in the US if British judges ultimately decide he can be sent to the country.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

If sincere, these remarks are a positive sign from Biden. The case against Assange should have long been dropped, as it sets a dangerous precedent for the government to violate the First Amendment, persecute journalists globally, and criminalize the publishing of information of public importance.

Pro-establishment narrative

Though America's criminal prosecution against Assange has some flaws, it's wrong to claim that his potential extradition would set a precedent for the government to persecute journalists. It's neither his journalistic malpractice nor his hostility to the West that's the subject of this case, but rather his law-breaking hacking activities.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Assange will be extradited to the US before Jan. 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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ADL Gives Harvard an F Grade on Antisemitism

The Facts

  • After reviewing 85 American universities' policies on protecting Jewish students from antisemitism, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has given a failing grade to Harvard and 12 other schools — including MIT and Stanford University.

  • Seventeen schools received a "B" grade, 29 a "C," and 24 a "D." Only two schools — Brandeis University and Elon University — received an "A." Other "F" grades included the University of Chicago, Princeton, Tufts, Virginia, and North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The Spin

Narrative A

This report is unsettling but unsurprising. Some of the top schools in the country, especially in the Ivy League, have been the site of many disturbing antisemitic incidents. The former president of Harvard was even unwilling to say calling for the genocide of Jews violated the school's code of conduct. These schools must do better.

Narrative B

This report follows the recent trend of pro-Israel groups and individuals incorrectly conflating any criticism of the Jewish State — much of which relates to the invasion of Gaza — with antisemitism. No one denies there's been an increase in antisemitic incidents across the US, but this conflation is incorrect and deeply problematic — as shown by a lack of tolerance for anti-war Jewish and Palestinian voices alike.

Nerd narrative

There's a 40% chance that Harvard will announce an end to preferential legacy admissions before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Judge Blocks Florida Ban on Preferred Pronouns

The Facts

  • Florida's ban on transgender and nonbinary teachers using their preferred pronouns in public schools was blocked Tuesday by a federal judge in Tallahassee.

  • Part of Florida's Parental Rights in Education Act, which was signed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in March 2022, prohibits school employees from requesting they be called by pronouns that don't correspond to their born gender.

The Spin

Right narrative

Florida passed this bill because people are born classified as one of two genders, and to force someone to recognize otherwise is unconstitutional. The woke, leftist agenda many are trying to force on the country is harmful and there's no reason for Florida or any other state to stand for it.

Left narrative

Far-right legislators like those in Florida are on a rampage against the LGBTQ community, but fortunately, courts are protecting these citizen's constitutional rights. Not only is the Florida court upholding Wood's right to free speech, but other courts are protecting the rights of transgender people to not be harmfully misgendered.

Nerd narrative

There is a 20% chance that an openly LGBTQ person will be elected President of the United States by 2041, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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International Community Braces for Potential Middle East Escalation

The Facts

  • Russia issued a travel advisory on Thursday for its citizens, and German airline Lufthansa stopped its Tehran flights, as tensions in the Middle East escalated.

  • An Iranian news agency reported Tehran's airspace was closed for drills, but later retracted it. The airspace is used by Emirates and Qatar Airways to fly to the US.

The Spin

Narrative A

Israel's airstrike in Syria, killing an Iranian commander, signifies Israel's strategic shift toward purposefully escalating the situation. This move follows a pattern of targeted killings by Israel, deepening the rift between the two nations. Netanyahu's actions reflect a political agenda of aggression that could enflame the region.

Narrative B

Iran must avoid military retaliation against Israel. Diplomatic efforts must be emphasized to prevent regional escalation. Iran's supreme leader's irresponsible rhetoric raises fears of further conflict, which would be disastrous for the region and the world which is already wounded by two large ongoing wars.

Nerd narrative

There is a 15% chance of Iran carrying out a deadly attack within Israel before May 1, 2024, according to Metaculus prediction community.

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Trump's Third Try to Delay Hush Money Trial Denied

The Facts

  • Former Pres. Donald Trump's latest request to delay the start of his trial related to an alleged hush money payment was denied by a New York appellate judge Wednesday.

  • Trump has now failed three times to have the trial pushed back. It's expected to start next week with jury selection Monday.

The Spin

Anti-Trump narrative

Trump's numerous attempts to postpone being held accountable for his crimes have failed. It's heartening to see the judicial system brush off so many ridiculous claims from the former president. Now it's time for him to face the music, starting with the opening of his trial in the hush money case.

Pro-Trump narrative

There's just no way for Trump to get a fair shake in the face of an anti-Trump district attorney and judges. This unfounded case should never see the inside of a courtroom, but New York is determined to continue this witch hunt to sidetrack the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's campaign.

Nerd narrative

There's a 69% chance that Trump will be found guilty of at least one felony in his New York hush money trial, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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KPMG, Deloitte Fined for Test Cheating

The Facts

  • Affiliates of two of the Big Four accounting firms, KPMG and Deloitte, have been fined millions by the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board for allowing cheating on internal training tests.

  • KPMG Netherlands was fined $25M, while its former head of assurance was fined $150K. Deloitte Indonesia and the Philippines were each fined $1M, with its head of professional practice fined $10K and banned from working for an accounting firm for at least three years.

The Spin

Narrative A

These fines are appropriate because KPMG knew about the cheating as far back as 2020 but ignored it until a 2022 whistleblower complaint. The fact that many accounting firms are riddled with ethical missteps is no excuse. Certified Public Accountants have a duty to uphold the highest standards and must be punished and scrutinized until they prove capable of doing so.

Narrative B

Teaching ethics with these exams is foolish. Accountants would be better off learning from experience because the examples these tests pose are too clean-cut. Employees should be allowed to trust their gut and sound the alarm when something feels wrong.

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Israeli Defense Minister: Israel 'to Flood Gaza with Aid'

The Facts

  • Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Wednesday that Israel will open a new crossing into the Gaza Strip for humanitarian aid, saying that Israel plans "to flood Gaza with aid." The new crossing will open between the Israeli community of Zikim and the Gaza town of al-Siafa.

  • Israeli military leaders met with members of UN bodies, the Red Cross, US Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Medical Corps, and the American humanitarian coordinator on Wednesday to discuss "increasing coordination and cooperation" between Israel and the aid organizations operating in Gaza.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Israel's war against Hamas is undoubtedly just, given the atrocities the group committed during its Oct. 7 attack. However, the Biden administration is losing its patience with Netanyahu's intransigence. Israel must take into account the innocent civilians in Gaza who are trapped between the country's military machine and Hamas' terrorist fighters. Indeed, the humanitarian situation has reached the point where the US is willing to take more decisive action to ensure that Netanyahu follows his commitments.

Pro-Israel narrative

Though this has been a tragic war, Israel and its allies must not succumb to pro-Hamas fanatics. Unfortunately, it seems that Biden has calculated that, to try and salvage his political career, he must throw Israelis under the bus. Regardless of how much Biden may say he supports Israel, the reality is that the president wants to force Israel to concede to terrorists. The world has forgotten the atrocities Hamas committed on Oct. 7 and Israel's moral duty to protect its citizens.

Pro-Palestine narrative

The Biden administration, increasingly anxious over the upcoming election, has resorted to cheap tactics to deny its support for Israel's brutal war on Gaza. Regardless of the spin, Biden has armed Israel, given it diplomatic cover, and refused to call for a permanent cease-fire — all of which incentivizes continued bloodshed. Of course, pressuring Israel to open more crossing into Gaza is an improvement, but it's far too little and far too late. Biden must do more to end the man-made famine that Israel has created.

Nerd narrative

There's a 1% chance that Hamas will have de facto power in the Gaza Strip on Jan. 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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