15 May 2024

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New Caledonia: Unrest Prompts French Emergency Declaration

The Facts

  • Protests became violent in the Pacific region of New Caledonia Monday after the French parliament granted French residents voting rights on the islands. Clashes in the capital Noumea have left three dead and hundreds wounded.

  • The islands, between Australia and Fiji, are under French rule. A measure allowing French nationals who have been living in New Caledonia for at least ten years to vote in provincial elections set off the recent unrest.

The Spin

Narrative A

Many native Kanaks view the French parliament's decision on Monday to extend voting rights to French nationals in New Caledonia as a violation of the 1998 Noumea Accord, which granted the island increased political autonomy. This does not justify violent riots, but it does demonstrate deep-rooted anger with Paris because the decision will make the Kanaks a minority on their own island.

Narrative B

The deadly violence taking place in New Caledonia is unacceptable and has to stop. Paris has given security forces the power to quell the violence and restore order. The unrest is clearly an unfortunate overreaction. At the moment, Paris' top concern is public safety. Once things have settled, Paris will actively encourage the independence movement to come to Paris for a resumption of dialogue and talks.

Nerd narrative

There's a 3% chance that France will be the first country to administer more territory off Earth than on it, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: North Korea Laundered $147.5M in Stolen Crypto

The Facts

  • North Korea reportedly laundered $147.5M using the virtual currency exchange service Tornado Cash in March, according to a confidential report by UN sanctions monitors that was reviewed by Reuters on Tuesday.

  • The monitors told the UN Security Council's Sanctions Committee on Friday that the digital assets were previously stolen in a large-scale heist from the cryptocurrency platform HTX in late 2023.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

North Korea's regime discovered illicit crypto activities as a means to finance its nuclear ambitions and circumvent UN sanctions. The money laundering techniques and sophistication with which Pyongyang seeks to evade detection have increased. However, the US is hitting back by sanctioning crypto-mixers used for their clandestine operations. If crypto companies are now also taking cybersecurity and risk management more seriously, Pyongyang will have a serious problem.

Establishment-critical narrative

The US government and its oligarchs have been warning about state-sponsored financial cyberattacks for years, but their goal isn't to protect our wallets. With countries like North Korea as the scapegoat, Western banks, corporations, and think tanks will work to convince the public that they need a centralized digital currency system to "protect" them. In reality, the ruling class simply wants more control over our money to enrich themselves.

Nerd narrative

There's a 12% chance that North Korea will experience a successful coup d'etat before 2040, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Georgia Passes Divisive 'Foreign Influence' Bill Amid Mass Protests

The Facts

  • Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Georgia’s capital Tbilisi after the country's parliament passed a divisive "foreign influence" bill on Tuesday. Thirteen protesters were reportedly arrested.

  • Passed in its third and final reading by 84 votes to 30, the law requires independent media and non-governmental organizations to register as entities "bearing the interests of a foreign power" if their funding is more than 20% foreign.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The passing of this anti-democratic bill looks to align Georgia with Russia, defying the will of the people who seek to integrate with Europe and break away from the malign influence of Moscow. If Georgia wants to make an enemy of the West, while launching further crackdowns on its own people, the West will have to consider sanctions.

Establishment-critical narrative

As can be seen by the presence of EU officials giving speeches in the streets of Tsibili during protests, Western countries are once again meddling in the internal politics of Georgia as they have done elsewhere. This further underscores why such a foreign agents bill is necessary.

Nerd narrative

There's a 5% chance that Georgia will control South Ossetia and Abkhazia before 2028, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Ukraine: Zelenskyy Cancels Upcoming Trips Amid Russian Offensive

The Facts

  • Amid a fresh Russian offensive that threatens to break through Ukraine's defensive lines in the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy canceled his upcoming foreign travel on Wednesday.

  • Zelenskyy was scheduled to travel to Spain on Friday, where he was scheduled to meet Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and sign a new bilateral security arrangement, followed by a trip to Portugal shortly thereafter.

The Spin

Pro-Ukraine narrative

Zelenskyy has canceled his foreign travel commitments to ensure that the urgent frontline situation is getting all the attention it needs. Zelenskyy is in constant communication with military chiefs and everything is being done to prevent the further loss of Ukrainian territory.

Pro-Russia narrative

Russia has repeatedly made offers to end the conflict by means of a negotiated settlement. However, if the West and Ukraine are determined to settle the conflict by military means on the battlefield, so be it.

Nerd narrative

There is a 3% chance there will be a bilateral cease-fire or peace agreement in the Russo-Ukraine conflict in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Study: Obese Children May Have Half the Average Life Expectancy

The Facts

  • According to a study from the German life sciences consultancy Stradoo GmbH, children who are severely obese at the age of four have a life expectancy of 39 — about half the average life expectancy in the UK — if they don't lose weight.

  • The body mass index (BMI) Z-score of a healthy 103 cm-tall four-year-old boy weighing 16.5 kg (36.4 lbs) will be zero, while boys of the same age and height having 19.5 kg (43 lbs) and 22.7 kg (50 lbs) weight will have a score of 2 and 3.5 respectively.

The Spin

Narrative A

While childhood obesity is unquestionably on the rise and comes with severe risks, the BMI Z-score appears to be outdated as it doesn't correctly measure excess fat. To prevent healthy children from being told they are unhealthy, it would be better to use a more appropriate waist-to-height ratio, which will more accurately tell someone if their body has put on too many pounds.

Narrative B

BMI Z-scores correlate strongly with fat measurements, so there's no need to question the rise in childhood obesity. The problem is also made clear when obese children develop cardiovascular disease, liver disease, and diabetes while their healthy peers do not. Children are hurting, and these data need to be taken seriously and followed up with public health measures that are serious and effective.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that 70.1% of Americans will be obese or overweight in 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Trump NY Trial: Cohen Challenged During Second Day of Testimony

The Facts

  • On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, former Pres. Donald Trump's ex-lawyer, resumed his testimony in Trump's New York criminal trial, saying he "violated" his "moral compass" to do the things Trump asked him to do.

  • Todd Blanche, Trump's defense attorney, countered by portraying Cohen as a spurned ex-employee out for revenge, confronting Cohen with recent statements with profanity he has made about his former boss.

The Spin

Anti-Trump narrative

It says something about the defense's desperation that instead of focusing on proving Trump didn't do the things he's accused of, Trump's lawyers instead try to undermine the credibility of Cohen. But Cohen held his nerve, didn't do anything to blow up the case, and even came across as sympathetic to the jurors. Trump's defense team has failed him.

Pro-Trump narrative

It doesn't take much to throw doubt on Cohen's credibility — after all, he's a convicted perjurer. There's no way a jury can take Cohen's testimony seriously, and the only way Trump doesn't beat these politically-motivated, overblown charges is if the mostly Democratic jurors can't get over their own biases.

Nerd narrative

There's an 81% chance that Trump will be found guilty of any crime in the Manhattan case before Election Day 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Trump Accepts Biden's Presidential Debate Challenge

The Facts

  • Former Pres. Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Wednesday accepted the proposal of Pres. Joe Biden to debate in June and September. Trump called Biden "the WORST debater I have ever faced."

  • Trump posted on Truth Social he is "ready and willing to Debate Crooked Joe," and he'd want more than the two rounds Biden has proposed.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Biden has finally agreed to debate Trump, but he's insisting on absurd and unreasonable guardrails — no audience, no third-party candidates, time limits — and Democrat-friendly networks. Even on Biden's terms, Trump will prevail and show the US electorate why he should return to the White House.

Democratic narrative

Trump is going to get steamrolled, especially with the rules Biden is insisting on. Trump won't be able to function without an audience to cheer him on or with time limits keeping him from interrupting. Of course, it remains to be seen if he'll show up after dodging so many debates in 2020 and during the 2024 primary race.

Nerd narrative

There's a 49% chance that Donald Trump will win the 2024 Presidential election on the condition that Biden and Trump will debate in 2024, according to the metaculus prediction community.

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Slovakian PM Fico Shot, in Stable Condition

The Facts

  • Following an attempt on his life by a gunman Wednesday, Slovakian Prime Minister (PM) Robert Fico is expected to survive, said Deputy PM Tomáš Taraba on Thursday. The news follows Fico's surgery, which Taraba said went "well."

  • After exiting a government meeting in the town of Handlova, Fico was shot multiple times and seriously wounded as he greeted a crowd of people. He was airlifted to the regional capital, Banska Bystrica, for treatment.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

This horrifying news is part of a growing trend of political violence across the European political spectrum. From the shooting of the founder of Spain's right-wing Vox Party to the physical harassment of a German Green Party member, the intensifying social division is now playing out before our eyes. Extremist ideologies of all sorts must be quelled, or else more violence will occur.

Establishment-critical narrative

The incessant attacks on Fico, from EU officials making political threats to today's shooting, are coming from those who are against the prime minister due to his desire to break away from the West's stronghold and maintain peace with Russia. Many of those opposed to EU- and NATO-skeptics like Fico have fostered an environment that allowed this act of violence to unfold.

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GOP Primaries: Hogan Wins in Maryland, Justice in West Virginia

The Facts

  • On Tuesday, former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan won the Republican nomination for that state's US Senate race, and Gov. Jim Justice did the same in West Virginia.

  • Hogan, a two-term governor, will face Democrat Angela Alsobrooks, who's looking to become the state's first Black female US Senator.

The Spin

Republican narrative

Republicans are setting themselves up well to retake the Senate majority. Hogan is a Trump critic who's popular on both sides of the political aisle, and Justice has Trump's seal of approval but doesn't pander to the former president's whims or focus much on the party's culture-war issues. These two nominees show the GOP is more than just Trump.

Democratic narrative

Democrats will have their hands full maintaining control of the Senate, but don't be fooled by some GOP nominees' differences with Trump. It's imperative for Democrats to do whatever possible to make sure a second Trump term doesn't come with a Republican Senate willing to rubber stamp his sweeping policy changes, regardless of how independent some Republicans claim to be.

Nerd narrative

There's a 74% chance that the GOP will control the Senate after the 2024 elections, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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US to Advance Billion-Dollar Arms Sale to Israel

The Facts

  • The Biden administration reportedly notified congressional leaders Tuesday that it will proceed with plans to sell more than $1B of weapons to Israel. The commitment, revealed by three congressional aides, comes a week after the White House paused shipments of 2K-pound bombs to Israel.

  • First reported by the Wall Street Journal, the new arms package will include $700M in tank ammunition, $500M in tactical vehicles, and $60M in mortar rounds. Meanwhile, 3.5K large bombs remain withheld from Israel as it launches its ground offensive in Rafah.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

After receiving bipartisan pushback for sending mixed signals about support for Israel, the Biden administration is taking half-measures to reaffirm his support for Washington's greatest ally. He has made an already-tenuous situation even worse by sending mixed signals and flip-flopping with his rhetoric.

Pro-establishment narrative

The war in Gaza has created a unique situation for the Biden administration to navigate, yet the president continues to take measures that reaffirm support for Israel while showing solidarity with Palestinian civilians. The White House remains steadfast in its support for the US’ ally, but it is also drawing common sense lines.

Pro-Palestine narrative

The Biden administration is feckless in even exerting minor pushback against Israel’s immoral campaign in Gaza, and is giving $1B in weapons less than a week after drawing a line in the sand. Israel completely disregarded repeated requests to not invade Rafah, and its defiance was barely met with resistance. Biden continues to capitulate to Israel’s demands while the IDF kills thousands of Palestinians, doubling down on his moral failures.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the US will give at least $3.12B to Israel in 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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