27 June 2024

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US Election Primaries: Bowman Loses, Boebert Wins

The Facts

  • In US election primaries, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) lost his Democratic primary to Westchester County executive George Latimer on Tuesday after pro-Israel groups and centrists strongly backed his challenger.

  • It's the first time that a Democratic "Squad" member has been ousted from Congress. This occurred in New York's 16th Congressional District despite the support of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Boebert and Bowman both represent the edges of their parties, so the contrasting outcomes in primaries speak volumes about the differences between Democratic and Republican voters. While Democrats generally want their leaders to compromise with Republicans, Republicans tend to support extremist candidates, especially those aligned with Trump.

Republican narrative

While Trump's endorsement remains vital as he leads the GOP field in the run-up to the 2024 elections, it's certainly not infallible — especially as shown in Colorado and Utah. Yet not too much should be read into these blips — the former president and presumed GOP nominee for 2024 still has dominant sway within his party.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Republicans will win control of the US House of Representatives in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Study Suggests Multivitamins Don't Reduce Mortality Risks

The Facts

  • According to a study published Wednesday by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), there's no evidence that multivitamins help reduce mortality risks.

  • The study surveyed over 390K adults over three decades and found that while vitamin supplements may help some people with specific conditions, they are unlikely to aid people to live longer.

The Spin

Narrative A

Consuming multivitamins offers significant health benefits, including bolstering immunity, preventing nutrient deficiencies, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cancer. While they aren't a cure-all, vitamin supplements are a practical nutritional safety net — especially when prescribed by a qualified nutritionist.

Narrative B

Scientists have proven yet again that consuming multivitamins is a waste of money for healthy, non-pregnant adults. The focus should instead be on proven practices like a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise. Ultimately, a healthy lifestyle is the true key to maintaining health, not a cure-all supplement.

Nerd narrative

There's a 58% chance that there will be a culturally significant development in aging research by 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Kenya: Pres. Ruto Withdraws Tax Reforms After Deadly Protests

The Facts

  • Kenyan Pres. William Ruto has withdrawn a finance bill passed by parliament on Tuesday, which included tax increases, following a week of clashes between police and protesters in at least 35 of the country's 47 counties.

  • In a TV address on Wednesday, Ruto said that "the people have spoken" and that he will not sign the contentious legislation. He added that he will now enter into a dialog with the Kenyan youth.

The Spin

Narrative A

Ruto's decision to abandon the planned tax hikes and incorporate the protesters' demands into the "Finance Bill 2024" proves that he is a democratic leader for whom people's will is paramount. In light of the tragic loss of life, the IMF will assist the Kenyan government in addressing its serious economic challenges and improving its financial prospects. Only robust, sustainable, and inclusive growth will ensure dignity and prosperity for all Kenyans.

Narrative B

Ruto's U-turn on the proposed tax hikes is a victory for Kenya's civil society, which exercised its democratic right to protest and was met with massive state violence. Ruto is a puppet of the notorious IMF and its austerity agenda, which is squeezing the people to generate "growth." To consolidate the national budget and create prosperity for all Kenyans, Ruto should first tackle corruption and nepotism and address the people's legitimate concerns.

Nerd narrative

There's a 10% chance that Kenya will experience a civil war before 2036, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Bolivia: Army General Arrested After Alleged Failed Coup Attempt

The Facts

  • Former Bolivia's army chief, Gen. Juan José Zúñiga, was arrested on Wednesday after leading an apparent coup attempt that failed not long after its beginning.

  • He has been criminally charged with counts of armed uprising against security and state sovereignty, inciting troops, and attacks against the president and state officials, for which he could face 20 years behind bars.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Given the history of likely US-backed coups in Latin America — including in Chile and Argentina — as well as Arce's recent application to join Russia and China's BRICS alliance, it would make sense that the US is potentially behind this. Arce is also critical of Israel and runs a nation rich with lithium, which would give Washington even more of a motive to meddle in Bolivia's affairs.

Pro-establishment narrative

Given Bolivia's unprecedented 23 coup attempts since 1950, historical analysts can safely say this was not some grand conspiracy to overthrow Arce's government. Real coups are conducted in the dark and include the arrest of the president and his cabinet. This was a simple spat between officials in a country run by a weak government and inhabited by an impassioned electorate.

Nerd narrative

There is a 52% chance that the famed South American lithium triangle (Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina) overtakes Australia in lithium production before 2031, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Israeli Forces Launch Ground Operation Into Gaza City Neighborhood

The Facts

  • Israeli forces entered Gaza City's Shujaiya neighborhood on Thursday, telling Palestinians that they must move south. Residents and Hamas-affiliated media reported that Israeli tanks advanced before the evacuation announcement, and Israel had blocked the road south, forcing people to flee west.

  • Israeli forces entered Shujaiya earlier in the war, saying that they were returning this time to prevent Hamas from restoring its control over the neighborhood. Heavy bombardment of the area was reported as residents fled, with health authorities saying that at least 15 people were killed.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Israel must be able to defend itself from terrorist attacks from Gaza or elsewhere, and the US is committed to preventing malicious actors from threatening Israel's legitimate concerns. However, Netanyahu is being irresponsible by airing his grievances so publicly, and he risks worsening Israel's position in this conflict.

Pro-Israel narrative

Israel will always be incredibly grateful for the staunch support it receives from the US. However, it must chart its own path, and the US should refrain from pressuring Israel to acquiesce to Hamas' demands. Indeed, Israel cannot be beholden to an ally that is not interested in allowing Israel to do whatever it takes to defend its borders and its citizens.

Pro-Palestine narrative

After almost nine months of non-stop brutality, the situation in Gaza continues to worsen. The US has simply failed to reel Netanyahu in, and over 35K Palestinians are dead because of it. Israeli crimes keep stacking up, yet the international community and the US refuse to do anything meaningful to stop the carnage.

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EU, Ukraine Sign Security Deal

The Facts

  • Ukraine and the European Union (EU) signed a long-term security pact in Brussels on Thursday. EU nations conveyed both political and military support for Ukraine.

  • The deal was signed by Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, European Council Pres. Charles Michel, and European Commission Pres. Ursula von der Leyen.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

With Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Europe's security landscape has undergone a tectonic shift. A security deal like the one signed on Thursday in Brussels will unify and strengthen the region's defense efforts, which is key to long-term stability and resilience. European security depends on providing sustained support to Ukraine.

Establishment-critical narrative

The EU and NATO in fact provoked Russia's special operation in Ukraine by expanding eastward over the years. Western actions made Russia feel threatened and gave Putin a pretext for war. While Putin indeed bears some responsibility for the war, the reckless policies of the US and Europe can't be ignored.

Nerd narrative

There is a 19% chance the US or EU will seize Russian sovereign assets in 2024, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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SCOTUS Temporarily Allows Emergency Abortions in Idaho

The Facts

  • The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on Thursday issued a brief, unsigned opinion reinstating a lower court's ruling that had suspended Idaho's near-total ban on abortions in that state.

  • After the 6-3 vote, Idaho hospitals that receive federal funds can resume providing emergency abortions. As this was a procedural ruling that didn't decide the constitutionality of the law, this issue could be brought back to the court soon.

The Spin

Republican narrative

This is a temporary win for the Biden administration and Democrats. But their continued insistence that harming the unborn is part of women's healthcare — despite the negative impact abortion has on a woman — won't keep winning. Eventually, this case will wind its way back to SCOTUS, which will be forced to rule, and there's a strong chance it will come down on the side of promoting life.

Democratic narrative

Women in Idaho and other Republican-led states can breathe a sigh of relief that those states' draconian abortion-restricting laws are in jeopardy. But one has to worry that SCOTUS has pushed this decision beyond the November elections to protect Republicans, and shortly later, it will allow these laws to take effect. Those concerned about women's rights and health must continue to fight.

Nerd narrative

There's a 3% chance that elective abortion will be banned nationally in the US before Jan. 1, 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Walgreens Announces Closure of 'Significant' Number of Stores

The Facts

  • Tim Wentworth, chief executive officer of the Walgreens pharmacy chain, said on Thursday that the company will be closing a "significant" number of its roughly 8.6K retail outlets, adding that their business model is "not sustainable."

  • The company had already closed 625 stores as of February as part of a cost-cutting plan. Wentworth said that economic pressures on customers, especially low-income ones, has made shoppers "increasingly selective and price-sensitive."

The Spin

Republican narrative

The unintended consequences of the Biden administration's inflationary agenda are that employees and businesses will suffer, as consumers can no longer keep up with skyrocketing prices. What's worse, an epidemic of shoplifting has cost the country $100B, as progressive-leaning district attorneys let thieves walk away scot-free. Walgreens itself has had to close outlets due to shoplifting, as Democrats put the squeeze on corporate America.

Democratic narrative

Inflation was a convenient excuse for corporations to gouge struggling consumers. It is clear that the greed of big business isn't sustainable, as Walgreens was forced to cut prices to lure cash-strapped Americans back into their stores. The suspicious timing of that has confirmed in the minds of many that widespread profiteering has become the norm, and consumers are thusly voting with their wallets. The hit Walgreens is taking was a long time coming.

Nerd narrative

There is a 43% chance that retail and restaurant locations in the US will decline by over 50% between 2020 and 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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SCOTUS Rejects Purdue Pharma Settlement

The Facts

  • The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled Thursday that the Sackler family, who owns the Oxycontin-maker Purdue Pharma, cannot make a settlement agreement that includes legal protections for the family.

  • The Sacklers agreed to pay opioid crisis victims up to $6B over 18 years and $4.5B in the first nine years. A US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) watchdog, however, said the provision offering legal liability protection to the family was an improper use of the bankruptcy system.

The Spin

Narrative A

While delaying compensation to victims is not ideal, this ruling is a clear and objective analysis of bankruptcy law, which does not allow individual company owners to place themselves behind the protective shields of a corporate bankruptcy settlement. If the Sackler family wishes to shield themselves from future personal lawsuits, they will have to declare bankruptcy as individuals.

Narrative B

This ruling not only misinterprets bankruptcy law but it delays compensations for victims dating back to the 1990s. After releasing this lethally addictive drug in 1996, the Sacklers' marketing schemes led to the deaths of over 240K people just between 1999 and 2009. This is a sad day for victims seeking financial justice.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the greatest number of people who, for non-medical purposes, use a newly discovered drug at any year between 2021 and 2070 will be at least 396M, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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NBC to Use AI-Generated Voice of Al Michaels for Olympic Recaps

The Facts

  • NBC Universal plans to use artificial intelligence (AI) to replicate the voice of broadcaster Al Michaels as part of its Olympics coverage this summer. The AI-generated voice will narrate a daily highlight reel of the Paris games.

  • Viewers will be able to hear Michaels’ artificially produced voice on “Your Daily Olympic Recap on Peacock,” NBC’s streaming service announced. The platform says that the AI model was trained using Michaels’ past broadcasting appearances with NBC Sports.

The Spin

Narrative A

The novelty of an AI-generated Michaels pales in comparison to the multifaceted ethical dilemma it creates. In addition to the obvious threat to job security, the technology inherently lacks the human touch that makes certain broadcasts iconic. Even if AI perfectly mimics Michaels’ legendary voice, it would still be a cheap imitation of the announcer’s human spirit and spontaneity.

Narrative B

NBC is joining the broadcasting revolution. While there may be concerns about the displacement of human announcers, it's more likely AI will create more jobs in media and allow for a more equitable viewer experience. AI-generated voices can provide more accessible coverage to speakers of different languages and the hearing impaired. And its ever-evolving nature ensures that there will always be good jobs in the industry.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that an original, wholly AI-generated feature film will rank No. 1 on a popular streaming service before July 18, 2028, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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