04 July 2024

Daily Newsletter

Thousands Evacuate as Northern California Wildfire Spreads

The Facts

  • Thousands of people have been forced out of their homes in Northern California as the Thompson Fire, which broke out on Tuesday in Oroville, expanded further to 4.7 square miles on Wednesday.

  • The Butte Country's Sheriff's Office initially directed 28K people to evacuate but later reduced some of these orders to warnings and allowed residents in many zones to return home.

The Spin

Narrative A

It's no coincidence that nearly all of the 20 largest fires in the state's history have occurred over the past two decades. Recent research has shown that climate change is to blame for the increase in high-severity wildfires in California, as record-breaking temperatures and a low-humidity atmosphere have aggravated the fire season.

Narrative B

Though correlations between climate change and an increase in wildfires in California may deceive the general public, actual science indicates that global warming plays, at most, a secondary role — and by no means a clear one. Wildfires have become more intense over the past decade, but that is primarily due to how land is managed.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that the 2°C climate threshold will be crossed in July 2045, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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GM to Pay Nearly $146M in Penalties for Excess Car Emissions

The Facts

  • The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said on Wednesday that General Motors will pay $145.8M in penalties and forfeit over 30.6M fuel credits to settle fuel economy compliance issues.

  • Additionally, the automaker agreed to cancel 50M metric tons of carbon allowances following a multi-year investigation by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that uncovered excessive emissions from nearly 6M of its vehicles.

The Spin

Narrative A

This settlement demonstrates how important the EPA's light-duty vehicle-in-use testing program is to ensure that vehicles meet the standard requirements so as to reduce air pollution and deliver the intended benefits. Automakers will only comply if there is strong oversight and accountability.

Narrative B

This settlement does resolve issues between General Motors and the federal government, but by no means does it equal an admission of any wrongdoing or noncompliance with regulations. The automaker has long been committed to reducing auto emissions and to achieving the fleet electrification goals.

Nerd narrative

There's a 56% chance that a legacy automaker will go bankrupt before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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World's Oldest Cave Art Discovered in Indonesia

The Facts

  • Australian and Indonesian researchers have discovered what is thought to be the oldest known figurative art painting, dating back at least 51K years — over 5K years older than the previous oldest cave art.

  • Found in the Leang Karampuang cave in the Maros-Pangkep region of South Sulawesi, the 36-inch by 15-inch artwork depicts three human-like figures surrounding a large warty pig in a single dark red color.

The Spin

Narrative A

The discovered cave art is the latest evidence that modern humans developed advanced mental abilities much earlier than previously thought. Archaeology has been very Eurocentric, but new and unbiased research methods now prove that even figurative art didn't originate in Europe. Deciphering the past is the key to understanding the present and shaping the future, and further archeological discoveries are waiting to change our understanding of human history.

Narrative B

Such discoveries are fascinating and the result of rigorous archaeological work employing modern technology and more accurate dating techniques. However, the involved scientists provided no proof of their claim of having found the oldest depiction of narrative art in Indonesia, and to this day, the oldest cave art is found in Spain. Wishful thinking isn't science, and more research is needed to unravel the rich human culture of storytelling and the evolution of the human mind.

Nerd narrative

There's a 1% chance that humans will go extinct before 2100, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Ukraine to Receive More Aid as Russia Advances in Key Town

The Facts

  • Ahead of a NATO summit in Washington next week, member countries have agreed to provide Ukraine with €40B ($43B) in military aid next year, sources told Reuters on Wednesday.

  • NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg had wanted to secure a sum of €100B ($108B) over multiple years — reportedly as a way of "Trump-proofing" support for Ukraine — but military support beyond next year was not agreed.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

If the US does not provide a firm commitment to Ukraine on NATO membership, it signals to Putin that he is able to influence American foreign policy by launching an illegal invasion. The US must stick to its guns and realize that having Ukraine in NATO is the best way to protect American interests in the region.

Establishment-critical narrative

Promising Ukraine NATO membership would only give Putin more reason to prolong the war and does nothing to serve Western interests. In fact, it would challenge NATO's Article 5 on collective defense and risk rupturing the whole military alliance, leaving NATO much weaker than where it started.

Nerd narrative

There is a 25% chance that Russia will have significantly expanded its controlled territory in Ukraine by Jan. 1, 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Australia: Labor's Pro-Palestine Senator Resigns

The Facts

  • Australian senator Fatima Payman, who had backed a parliamentary motion recognizing Palestine earlier this week, quit the ruling Labor Party on Thursday.

  • The 29-year-old from West Australia said she was "deeply torn" between acting with "a sense of urgency and moral clarity" and alleged pressure to conform to the party line.

The Spin

Narrative A

Payman's decision to cross the floor on the issue of Palestinian statehood, even at the risk of expulsion from her party, is a commendable act of integrity. Unlike others who may prioritize party solidarity, she followed her conscience, believing deeply in the need to recognize Palestinian statehood. This rare display of political courage and adherence to personal principles should be applauded.

Narrative B

Payman's stance is dangerous and needs to be condemned. She has undermined the Labor Party's longstanding commitment to a negotiated two-state solution. Besides jeopardizing party solidarity, she has ignored the complexities of Palestinian governance. In any case, Australian foreign policy isn't determined in the Senate. Payman's stance risks turning her into a martyr.

Nerd narrative

There's a 34% chance that Israel will recognize Palestine by 2070, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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EU Announces Tariffs on Chinese-Made Electric Vehicles

The Facts

  • On Thursday, the European Union (EU) announced that tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) would come into effect on Friday. The duties imposed range from 17.4% to 37.6%.

  • The move was spurred by an EU investigation into how Chinese EVs benefit from government subsidies, with the final report alleging that subsidization has kept prices artificially low enough to harm the European auto industry and put 12M jobs at risk.

The Spin

Pro-China narrative

Free trade is fair trade, and the EU and other Western countries have determined that they can't win on a level playing field. China has become the world leader in EVs, and we all benefit from their innovative practices. European automakers will also lose out on access to the huge Chinese market, as a petty political rivalry overshadows the real value Chinese manufacturers bring to the table.

Anti-China narrative

Government money floods nearly every stage of the manufacturing process at Chinese automakers, and it is clear that the intent of this is to flood the market with EVs at rock-bottom prices to snuff out the EU's auto trade. These tariffs are a measured response against anti-competitive practices and are targeted to punish the least transparent and most uncooperative automakers.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that at least 89% of all new cars sold in China in 2035 will be electric, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Hezbollah Fires 200 Rockets into Israel After Commander's Killing

The Facts

  • Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah said on Thursday that it launched more than 200 rockets and over 20 drones at 10 Israeli military sites in retaliation for the killing of commander Mohammed Nasser — one of the most senior Hezbollah commanders to allegedly be killed by Israel since clashes began shortly after Hamas' Oct. 7 attack last year.

  • The Israeli military said it was hitting targets in south Lebanon — including a building in Shihine and infrastructure in the Jabal Blat area — in response to Hezbollah's rocket and drone attack and that it had intercepted and shot down numerous projectiles.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

A guaranteed end to the war will ensure increased humanitarian aid to the besieged enclave, preserve Israel's security, and create a better "day after" in Gaza without Hamas in power. The US will continue to work toward closing the gaps and ensuring that peace and stability can be restored to the region.

Pro-Israel narrative

Israel wants to make a deal and get its hostages back, but it can't allow Hamas to stay in power. If Hamas is allowed to remain in power in Gaza, the group will immediately begin planning the next Oct. 7 terrorist attack. Though there are pressures at home and abroad to end the war prematurely, Israel must do what is best for its citizens.

Pro-Palestine narrative

Though this deal, which is nearly identical to earlier proposals that Hamas has already agreed to, must go through, it's too little too late. Israel has massacred over 35K Palestinians in Gaza, yet it has taken months even to approach a deal due to Israeli intransigence. The only reason this war has continued is because of the US' inability to reel Israel in.

Narrative D

Hezbollah and the regional resistance continue to demonstrate their military capabilities. Ultimately, the resistance's primary goal is to end the war in Gaza, not start a far larger regional conflict. However, Israel's genocidal actions and constant threats may indicate that a larger war is coming. Indeed, Hezbollah is ready to defend Lebanon.

Nerd narrative

There's an 86% chance that there will be 1K or more deaths due to armed conflict between Israel and Hezbollah before 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Watchdog: Israel Seizes Single-Largest Swath of West Bank Land

The Facts

  • According to Peace Now, an Israeli rights group, the Israeli government has approved the largest seizure of land in the West Bank since the 1993 Oslo Accords — a political framework created to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  • Peace Now claims that the appropriation of 12.7 square kilometers (nearly five square miles) of land in the Jordan Valley was approved late last month. The approval makes 2024 the peak year for land appropriation in the West Bank.

The Spin

Left narrative

Though Israel's settler movement is a fringe segment of Israeli society, more must be done to prevent the seizure of land in the West Bank. Indeed, Israel is a democracy in which everyone is entitled to their views, but prominent Israeli lawmakers often condemn settlement expansion. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needs to understand that politicians like Smotrich only endanger Israel's security.

Right narrative

Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel has obstructed the establishment of a Palestinian state. Since Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, the enclave has essentially existed as a terrorist-run proto-state run by Hamas. Given the Palestinian Authority's inefficacy, Israel has no partners for peace, and the last 20 years in Gaza prove this. A violent, terrorist-run Palestinian state would be an existential threat to Israel's security, and settlement expansion is a natural reaction to this reality.

Pro-Palestine narrative

Though the Israeli and Western media try to portray settlers as a fringe element of Israeli society, the state was founded based on ethnic cleansing and land theft. Israeli leaders on the left and right have continued to approve settlement expansion, and Palestinian land has continued to recede since 1948. Israeli politicians are also increasingly open about Israel's intentions — the incremental destruction of Palestine.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that Palestine will become a full UN member state by Aug. 13, 2046, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK General Election Exit Poll: Labour to Win 410 Seats

Photo: Verity

The Facts

  • Exit polling by BBC/ITV/Sky News has projected that the Labour Party has won Thursday's UK General Election, estimating that the party has won 410 out of 650 available seats in the House of Commons.

  • The projected result is a 209 increase in seats for Labour. It is now expected that Sir Keir Starmer will be invited to become prime minister and form the UK's next government.

The Spin

Labour narrative

At long last, the prospect of change and an air of excitement has finally returned to British politics. Since 2010, the Conservatives have done their best to suck all life, energy, and positivity out of the country while crippling the economy along the way. Reminiscent of Blair's 1997 triumph — although it is imperative that Starmer and his centrist wing do not forget their party's roots — there is genuine hope that under new leadership, things can truly get better for the UK.

Tory narrative

While it may be the end for the Conservatives in government, it does not take a genius to see that Labour's support is born from apathy towards the current political establishment rather than love for Starmer and his party. Although there is no denying that parties and the economic disaster that was Liz Truss meant that Sunak always had a mountain to climb, and the public may be relieved to finally see the back of the Conservatives for now, it won't be long until Starmer's honeymoon bubble is abruptly burst.

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American in Russia Sentenced to 12 Years for Drug Offences

The Facts

  • Robert Woodland, an American citizen who has been detained in Moscow since January on charges of trying to sell methadone, was sentenced to 12-and-a-half years at a maximum security penal colony on Thursday.

  • A dual Russia-US national, Woodland moved back to the country of his birth in 2020 after tracking down his biological mother, having been mostly raised in America by foster parents. Woodland is one of several Americans currently detained in Russia.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

Russia has been shamelessly practicing "hostage diplomacy" against the US, as they detain Americans under dubious circumstances to coerce concessions from the government. Foreign citizens are valuable pawns, and are wrongfully convicted for leverage against governments that care about their people. Russia has been all too willing to employ this repugnant strategy, and every conviction in a Russian court against a US citizen must be taken with a grain of salt.

Pro-Russia narrative

Claims that Russia has acted uniquely punitively towards Americans accused of crimes are unfounded. All foreign nationals are ineligible for bail, for instance, and the sentencing guidelines for drug offenses in Russia are roughly equivalent to those in several US states. Wrongful detention is a vague, ambiguous term that is used by the US to beat the war drum against their enemies. They should accept the Russian legal process as thorough and impartial.

Nerd narrative

There is a 9% chance that there will be a US-Russia war before 2050, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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