08 July 2024

Daily Newsletter

Japan, Philippines Sign Defense Deal

The Facts

  • Philippine Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro and Japan's Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa on Monday signed the Reciprocal Access Agreement — a defense deal that would allow either side to deploy equipment and troops on the other's territory.

  • The deal, which reportedly comes to counter China's maneuvers in the region, allows the deployment of Japanese forces in the Philippines for joint military exercises, including live-fire drills. It also lets Filipino forces into Japan for joint combat training.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

Strengthening ties between Tokyo and Manila must be welcomed in light of China's growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region. Their latest pact emphasizes defense cooperation and strategic unity, and their alliance aims to counterbalance China's influence and demonstrate that the US and its allies will not remain passive if conflict arises. This proactive stance is crucial for regional stability and security.

Pro-China narrative

Tokyo and Manila getting closer under US mentoring may threaten East Asia's peace. Monday's pact enhancing military cooperation is essentially an "anti-China" move. And with the US silently looming large, Japan and the Philippines are infringing on the PRC's sovereignty. Their focus on defense collaboration and maritime security intensifies the potential for conflict rather than fostering peace in the region.

Nerd narrative

There's a 49% chance that Japan will respond with military forces if China invades Taiwan before 2035, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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French Elections: New Popular Front Wins Most Seats

The Facts

  • The New Popular Front ("NFP") coalition on Sunday won the most seats in the second round of France's snap parliamentary elections, falling short of an absolute majority in the 577-seat National Assembly.

  • Formed after Pres. Emmanuel Macron called the snap vote last month, the NFP won 182 seats, while Macron's Ensemble coalition and Marine Le Pen's National Rally secured 168 and 143 seats respectively.

The Spin

Narrative A

After being harshly criticized for announcing snap elections, Macron's gamble to call on the French electorate to decide for or against the values of the Fifth Republic has largely paid off. Yes, Sunday's winners now face the complex task of forming a coalition, but the key message remains that the EU's second-largest economy decided to defend its democracy against the far right. However, the French citizenry must remain vigilant, as the National Rally will use every populist tactic to pressure the Republican front.

Narrative B

This disappointing outcome is the result of anti-National Rally propaganda by the so-called "Republican front" and tactical power games by Macron's alliance. Now, France is facing the formation of a coalition of disparate parties for which the French constitution was not designed. This means that the Fifth Republic is heading for political instability and deadlock, with major implications for Europe and the financial markets. The stage is set for a National Rally victory in 2027.

Nerd narrative

There's a 33% chance that Marine Le Pen will be elected president of France in 2027, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Boeing to Plead Guilty to Fraud Charge Over 737 Max Crashes

The Facts

  • Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to defraud the US over two plane crashes that killed 346 travelers, the US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) said in a filing late on Sunday.

  • As part of the plea deal — which a federal judge in Texas must approve before it comes into effect — Boeing will pay a $243.6M fine and invest at least $455M on safety and compliance over the next three years.

The Spin

Narrative A

While it could hurt Boeing's lucrative contracts with the US government, this agreement will enable the firm to move beyond these incidents without the embarrassment of a public trial. This is the best thing for the company's clean-up process as it's looking to appoint a new chief executive officer and is seeking to acquire Spirit AeroSystems.

Narrative B

This is a deeply inappropriate deal that fails to acknowledge that 346 people died as a result of Boeing's dubious safety and quality standards. It also allows the company to shield the public from the extent of those failures by avoiding a public trial. The judge assessing the deal must uphold the principles of justice and accountability.

Nerd narrative

There's a 1% chance that Boeing will release a new midsize aircraft, likely called the 797, into commercial service before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Ukraine: At Least 29 Killed After Russian Missile Attack

The Facts

  • At least 29 people were killed and dozens more were injured after a Russian missile attack targeted five Ukrainian cities and struck a children's hospital in Kyiv on Monday.

  • Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said over 40 missiles were used in the attack, damaging infrastructure and residential buildings in Kyiv, Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Sloviansk, and Kramatorsk.

The Spin

Pro-Ukraine narrative

This is yet another example of the terrorism that Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin has unleashed on Ukraine. How many more demonstrations does the world need before taking decisive action against him?

Pro-Russia narrative

Russia has repeatedly said that it does not target civilians. All strikes are directed at military targets, including military warehouses, fuel depots, and training facilities.

Nerd narrative

There's a 12% chance that a post-Putin Russia will substantially democratize within 5 years, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Yuriko Koike Wins Third Term as Tokyo Governor

The Facts

  • The first female governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, won her third consecutive term on Sunday. Koike netted over 42% of the vote and will serve for a four-year term.

  • Koike's tenure leading the city of 13.5M coincided with it hosting the Olympics, the COVID pandemic, and the introduction of childcare subsidies. A declining city-wide birth rate, disaster preparedness, and the economy were key issues of the campaign.

The Spin

Narrative A

It is heartening that female candidates performed well in this election, as Japan lags behind the rest of the developed world in terms of gender equality. Japan has never had a female prime minister, and women in politics are often evaluated based on their looks instead of their substance. While the election was a notably sleepy one, it still represented a solid step forward.

Narrative B

This election was emblematic of everything that's gone awry with Japanese politics. A proliferation of fringe and joke candidates muffled real opposition to an entrenched status quo that the population is growing disaffected with. An incumbent has never lost an election in Tokyo, and Koike benefited from apparent connections to the news media to boot. There's little to write home about in this election.

Nerd narrative

There is a 50% chance that the lowest number of annual births in Japan through the year 2100 will be at least 576.4K, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Israel Invoked 'Hannibal Directive' on Oct. 7

The Facts

  • Israeli outlet Haaretz released a report on Sunday claiming that the Israeli military allegedly employed the "Hannibal" operational order — which directs the use of force to prevent soldiers from being taken into captivity — at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas on Oct. 7, potentially endangering civilians.

  • Israel's Gaza division allegedly received the directive about five hours after Hamas' attack began, stating, "Not a single vehicle can return to Gaza." A southern command source told Haaretz that by then, it was known that Hamas had taken hostages.

The Spin

Pro-Palestine narrative

The truth about Oct. 7 continues to come out as more and more Israeli claims prove to be false. Israel's military was in a state of chaos, with its forces in the south collapsing, leading to ferocious violence that killed its own civilians.

Pro-Israel narrative

Though it's surely possible that Israeli forces may have killed soldiers and civilians, it pales in comparison to the sheer amount of civilians Hamas intentionally massacred during its attack. It's clear that Hamas is behind the majority of the bloodshed on that fateful day.

Nerd narrative

There's a 93% chance that the International Criminal Court will bring charges against Benjamin Netanyahu before 2026, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Western Mercenaries Allegedly Killed Russian POWs

The Facts

  • Following an investigation, The New York Times has alleged that an American-led foreign mercenary group in Ukraine — Chosen Company, led by former US Army National Guard soldier Ryan O'Leary — has killed unarmed and injured Russian soldiers who had surrendered.

  • The report cited Caspar Grosse — a German combat medic who allegedly fought with Chosen — as claiming that while a wounded Russian soldier was asking for medical assistance, one member of the mercenary group shot the soldier in the torso, while the other in his head.

The Spin

Pro-Russia narrative

While it's kind of the New York Times to report on these killings now, Western newspapers have knowingly omitted such allegations of war crimes throughout the war. There are currently thousands of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine, most of whom are Canadian, British, and American, but rarely does the Western media admit that its own people are across the world killing Russians in cold blood.

Pro-Ukraine narrative

For Russia to accuse pro-Ukraine fighters of war crimes is astounding, given Moscow's ongoing missile strikes with high civilian casualties. Deliberately bombing civilian populations is an individual war crime at best and genocidal at worst. It seems Moscow wants not only to deny its own crimes against humanity but to throw baseless accusations at Ukraine to save face.

Nerd narrative

There's a 10% chance that there will be a direct conflict between Russia and any NATO member state before 2027, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Eli Lilly to Buy Morphic for $3.2B

The Facts

  • Pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly is set to buy Morphic Holding, paying $3.2B in cash, to include the latter's inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) drugs in its portfolio.

  • Lilly, in a statement, said it's buying the Massachusetts-based biopharma firm, known for "developing oral integrin therapies for treatment of serious chronic diseases," because it could "open up new possibilities for earlier intervention" in relation to several gastroenterological diseases.

The Spin

Narrative A

This deal is a win-win for Morphic and the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. By acquiring Morphic, Lilly is showing it values its products and its focus on ingretin-based treatments for gastroenterological diseases. In addition, other companies developing ingretin-based treatments for various diseases are experiencing a boost in value.

Narrative B

This deal comes with risks for Lilly. Morphic has endured some disappointments over the past few years — including data that was less promising than expected from the testing of its lead drug, MORF-057. Other major pharmaceutical companies have severed ties with Morphic over various concerns. It remains to be seen if Lilly's takeover will produce positive results.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that will there be a breakthrough in the treatment of hard-to-treat cancers by August 2031, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Biden Letter Tells Congressional Democrats He's Staying in Race

The Facts

  • Pres. Joe Biden on Monday sent a letter to congressional Democrats informing them he's continuing with his reelection campaign despite calls from an increasing number of party members asking him to step aside in the weeks since his debate performance against former Pres. Donald Trump.

  • In the letter, which was timed to coincide with Congress' return from its July recess, Biden said he's "firmly committed to staying in the race" — a decision he made after "extensive conversations" with party leaders, elected officials, and Democratic voters.

The Spin

Narrative A

This decision isn't about Biden or the Democratic elites, it's about the people. The president had one bad debate, but that doesn't change the fact that the people overwhelmingly chose him as the party's nominee, and during recent campaign stops and talks with voters, it's become evident his support is still rock-solid among those he wants to continue to represent and those who want to defeat Trump.

Narrative B

Biden is going on the offensive, but not as much to defend himself against the calls to step aside as he's continuing the strategy of downplaying peoples' concerns over his health and ability to serve, let alone beat Trump. These worries go well beyond the party elites, as polling shows voters are losing faith in the president and could be thinking they voted for someone without knowing all the details.

Republican narrative

Biden's letter shows his desperation in the face of his party turning on him. But his letter did little to allay concerns over his health, ignoring that question while using much of its text to just attack Trump. Even a follow-up television appearance did little to convince anyone the president could express thoughts in a coherent manner. Never mind running for reelection — he may not be competent to continue holding office.

Nerd narrative

There's a 56% chance that Biden will be the Democratic nominee for the 2024 US presidential election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Report: Global Temps 1.5°C Above Pre-Industrial Levels for Past Year

The Facts

  • Data analyzed by the Copernicus Climate Change Service showed that monthly temperatures from July 2023 to June 2024 were 1.5°C (2.7°F) above pre-industrial levels for 12 straight months.

  • The report states that each month since last June was warmer than the previous, with the average temperature 1.64°C higher than it was before the Industrial Revolution.

The Spin

Left narrative

New data continues confirming scientific consensus regarding climate change and, unfortunately, there's no way to reverse the damage that’s been done. Record heat has brought record flooding and other natural disasters, and for years the media and public officials have ignored or downplayed the existential threat of climate change. We must act immediately if there's any hope of slowing this climate catastrophe.

Right narrative

For decades, left-wing researchers and politicians have predicted the impending death of the planet due to climate change — manufacturing a consensus that hardly exists. Like any bit of information, the devil is in the details, as there are many ways to frame data to fit a certain narrative. While temperatures may be rising to an extent, there's hardly a consensus on the reason and the effects of these changes.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that global warming will be at least 2.84°C by 2100, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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UK: Rishi Sunak Names Interim Shadow Cabinet

The Facts

  • Outgoing Conservative Party leader and former UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak appointed an interim shadow cabinet on Monday. Continuing from their roles in government, Jeremy Hunt and James Cleverly will now respectively sit as shadow chancellor and shadow home Secretary.

  • Oliver Dowden has been named shadow deputy prime minister and shadow chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, while Kemi Badenoch and James Cartlidge will be the respective shadow leveling up and shadow defense secretaries.

The Spin

Tory narrative

It was certainly a shock to Tories that many former members of parliament failed to retain their seats, but the election wasn't as disastrous as it looks when you consider the popular vote. The Conservative Party failed to deliver on the economy and migration, but the Labour Party will hardly succeed in tackling these challenges. Going forward, the Tories must be united and ready to return to power.

Labour narrative

While Keir Starmer has brought Labour back from the fringes to the mainstream, the Conservative Party has lost its position as the natural party of government — and perhaps that of the natural party of opposition — because it has no authentic purpose anymore. The Tories are now on the path to becoming an irrelevant party in future British politics, as they represent no principles and values. That trend may only be reversed if they take the Labour example.

Reform narrative

The Tories have entered a lengthy civil war after a disastrous defeat to the Labour Party in the general election, with some even considering defecting to Reform UK or welcoming Nigel Farage into the Conservative Party. The so-called broad church party has no shared religion and isn't an effective political force anymore.

Nerd narrative

There's a 23% chance that the UK will have a Conservative prime minister on Jan. 1, 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Hungary's Orbán Makes Surprise Visit to China

The Facts

  • Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrived in Beijing on Monday and met with Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping, three days after meeting Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

  • In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Orbán called his visit — which comes a day before a three-day NATO summit starts in Washington — "Peace mission 3.0."

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Orbán's outreach to China and Russia over Ukraine is a smart move. This "shuttle diplomacy" reflects a pragmatic approach in contrast with the West's confrontational stance. Orban's efforts align with Xi's call for a political settlement that may foster a less antagonistic approach to world conflicts within the context of Xi and Putin's efforts to forge a more harmonious multipolar world order.

Pro-establishment narrative

Orbán has no role or right in mediating over the Ukraine war. This so-called "shuttle diplomacy" is undermined by Hungary's policy towards Ukraine, which includes making unreasonable demands regarding Hungarian minorities. His actions serve as a "Trojan horse" for Russia within the EU and NATO. This is a cynical undermining of a rules-based order that seeks to end Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Nerd narrative

There's a 10% chance that Hungary will leave the EU before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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NATO Summit Underway in Washington, DC

The Facts

  • 38 world leaders arrived in Washington, DC, on Monday for the 75th NATO summit. Primary topics of focus will include supporting Ukraine against Russia, US Pres. Joe Biden's health, and the future of the alliance should former US Pres. Donald Trump be re-elected.

  • Besides NATO members, the heads of Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea will also be in attendance. Diplomats have reportedly stated that they'll be keeping an eye on Pres. Biden's behavior but noted that they would not discuss the matter publicly.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

NATO will become stronger and more unified than ever following the 75th anniversary meeting. The 32 member nations' leaders, along with their key allies and Ukraine, will strive to meet the alliance's collective security needs. Not only will it create a broader alliance to reduce the risk of conflict with rivals, but the US will be a safer place with a stronger global economic position. NATO will continue its decades-long history of peace through strength.

Pro-Russia narrative

Moscow will follow this summit closely because NATO considers Russia an enemy and aims to inflict a strategic battlefield defeat against the Kremlin on the battlefield. Given the coalition has been actively participating in the Ukraine conflict and fighting for Ukraine, Russia will closely monitor any statements or decisions that emerge from the alliance's summit.

Nerd narrative

There is a 1% chance NATO Article 5 action will be taken before January 1, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Russia Claims Kyiv Hospital Was Hit With Ukrainian Air Defense Missile

The Facts

  • Following a Russian missile attack on Ukraine on Monday, Russia's Defense Ministry said assertions that it deliberately targeted a hospital in Kyiv were "absolutely untrue," claiming that the hospital was hit by a Ukrainian air defense missile.

  • In a statement, the Defense Ministry said: "Numerous photo and video reports from Kiev, which have been made public, make it clear that damage was done by a falling Ukrainian air defense missile launched from a missile system deployed within the city limits."

The Spin

Pro-Ukraine narrative

As images from the missile wreckage show, the hospital was struck by a Russian Kh-101 missile. Ukraine is investigating this act as a war crime and will do everything possible to ensure that Russia is held accountable for these terrorist actions.

Pro-Russia narrative

As videos on social media show, the hospital was not struck by a Russian missile but rather by Ukrainian air defense projectiles. Ukraine routinely stages such provocations ahead of big meetings in order to drum up support.

Nerd narrative

There's a 32% chance that the next Russian leader will disapprove of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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United Airlines Boeing Plane Loses Wheel After Takeoff

The Facts

  • A United Airlines plane flying from Los Angeles, Calif., to Denver, Colo., Monday lost one of its wheels while taking off. The wheel landed on a car in an employee parking lot, but there were no injuries.

  • United said the Boeing 757-200 plane, carrying 174 passengers and seven crewmembers, continued its flight and landed safely in Denver. It added that the aircraft has six tires on each of its landing gear struts and is designed to land with damaged or missing tires.

The Spin

Narrative A

The majority of recent flight failures have involved Boeing planes, and the whole world now knows why. A little over a century ago, Bill Boeing built a plane company that emphasized quality over quantity, but those in charge today have drifted away from that philosophy. Boeing, aided by ineffective federal regulators, has gotten off scot-free too many times, and it must put in the necessary work to regain public trust.

Narrative B

While Boeing has received much well-deserved criticism over its recent manufacturing errors, United Airlines cannot shift all the blame away from its own safety practices. Considering that several of the planes in question were decades old — meaning they've been under the care of the airline, not the original manufacturer — the issues ranging from fallen wheels to broken wings are the responsibility of United Airlines' internal inspectors.

Nerd narrative

There is a 1% chance that Boeing will release a new midsize aircraft, likely called the 797, into commercial service before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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Hyundai Sued Over Allegations of Faking EV Sales Data

The Facts

  • A group of US Hyundai dealers is suing the South Korean automaker over allegations the company inflated sales figures for electric vehicles (EVs) and retaliating against dealerships that didn't cooperate with the scheme.

  • In the suit, Napleton Aurora Imports accuses Hyundai of pressuring dealers into misusing inventory codes for loaner cars to record more sales. Dealers that did so allegedly received more inventory of top-selling models and discounts compared to those that didn't.

The Spin

Narrative A

Despite massive government subsidies, consumers simply don't want to buy electric vehicles on a mass scale. Price differences, charging infrastructure, and anxieties over battery life are all reflected in an attempted gamification of the electric vehicle sales numbers. If true, these allegations prove that the electric push is an inorganic sham.

Narrative B

These allegations say more about Hyundai than they do about electric vehicles. From using child labor at their factories in Alabama to being implicated in the nationwide wave of auto thefts, Hyundai has been at the epicenter of numerous controversies in the auto world and must take corrective actions.

Nerd narrative

There's a 50% chance that at least 9.9% of vehicles on US roads will be fully electric by Jan. 1, 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

See sources

Lancet: Direct and Indirect Gaza Deaths Could Eventually Amount to 186K

The Facts

  • Medical journal The Lancet published a letter on Friday claiming that the death toll in Gaza, including direct and indirect deaths, could amount to 186K or more fatalities over an indefinite period. The letter does not claim that the war has currently killed 186K people.

  • The figure was determined by multiplying the number of deaths reported by Gaza's health ministry by four, based on the ratio of direct to indirect deaths in other recent conflicts. Indirect deaths can be caused by disease, lack of treatment, and other factors.

The Spin

Pro-Palestine narrative

The Lancet's estimate is based on well-established trends in wars similar to this one and is likely an underestimate. Given the intensity of Israel's war on Gaza, the sheer amount of destruction it has wrought, and the complete lack of safe zones, it would be absurd to doubt the figures produced by the health ministry and estimates made by the Lancet. This figure does not even include the estimated 10K people trapped under the rubble.

Pro-Israel narrative

Though plenty of commentators are misrepresenting this letter, its estimate is purely speculation made by anti-Israel figures. The letter does not claim that Israel has killed 186K people. Nonetheless, the figure has taken on a life of its own as bad faith pro-Palestine narratives tout it as the actual death toll, which is simply not based in fact or reality.

Nerd narrative

There's a 20% chance that at least 500,000 Palestinians will be displaced from Gaza before December 31st, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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OpenAI Blocks Chinese Developers' Access

The Facts

  • US-based Chat GPT creator OpenAI on Tuesday began blocking Chinese developers from accessing its products and services.

  • China's firewall had already blocked ChatGPT in the country, but developers were able to use virtual private networks (VPNs) to bypass the wall and use it to train their own generative AI large language models (LLMs).

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

This is an important move by OpenAI. If Washington allows Beijing to continue using and improving on American artificial intelligence technologies, China will win the AI arms race and not look back. The US must stop treating AI like a science project to be shared with friends before it's too late.

Pro-China narrative

This US government-ordered ban by OpenAI won't stop China from thriving in this realm. China-based companies have already equaled or bested US companies in several areas of AI, and other companies are on the rise. By cutting its AI companies off from China, the US is missing out on diplomatic and economic opportunities.

Nerd narrative

There's a 10% chance that we will reach Jan. 1, 2050 without the development of artificial general intelligence and without a major global conflict occurring, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

See sources

Polls Show Trump Leads Biden, Faces Mixed Results Against Others

The Facts

  • The latest Emerson College Polling survey released Tuesday shows former Pres. Donald Trump has a three-point lead over Pres. Joe Biden in the nationwide matchup, 46-43%, as the Democratic nominee has been subjected to calls to exit the race since his subpar debate performance last month.

  • The survey also found the presumptive GOP nominee ahead in hypothetical head-to-head matchups against nine potential Biden replacements — including Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The Spin

Narrative A

Enough with the insurgency, Biden is the Democratic nominee and isn't going anywhere. Now that it's clear that the party elites, pundits, and donors want him out of the race, Biden must go directly to the American people and defeat Trump for the good of the country.

Narrative B

It's clear that Biden is no longer fit to run for office and Trump will easily defeat him to regain the White House. There's no alternative to protect democratic institutions from a MAGA-led administration other than convincing Biden to step aside — and choosing any of the qualified potential replacements through an open process.

Republican narrative

Trump has a clear path to return to the White House, especially if Biden stays in the race and the Democratic infighting intensifies. While the Democrats are destroying themselves, Trump's leadership in polls gets wider.

Nerd narrative

There's a 66% chance that Biden will be the Democratic nominee for the 2024 US presidential election, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

See sources

Republican Platform Drops Call for National Abortion Limits

The Facts

  • The Republican Party's platform committee Monday voted 84-18 to approve a party platform that lacks a call for a federal abortion ban, reflecting a position that the former Pres. Donald Trump has expressed on the campaign trail.

  • The presumptive GOP presidential nominee told officials he supports the platform, which calls for states to determine their abortion laws, in addition to reiterating many policies — including ones on immigration and trade — that are spelled out on the Trump campaign's website.

The Spin

Republican narrative

This platform was formulated to provide a concise list of Republican values and future goals — presenting the party as united as opposed to the chaos of the Democrats. The wording of the abortion section is in line with what the triumphant overturning of Roe v. Wade established — that abortion restrictions are left to the state as long as they don't violate citizens' 14th Amendment rights. This paves the path for a Republican win in November.

Conservative narrative

If the Republican Party's undying devotion to Trump means this is the party's new stance on abortion, the pro-life wing of the party must rethink its support. Leaving abortion restrictions to the states means that for every place where killing the unborn is forbidden, there's a state where the procedure is available. This is unacceptable and could cost Republicans their necessary victory over the abortion-promoting Democrats.

Democratic narrative

This platform was created by Trump's people, under the guise of full-blow support from the Republican Party, to tamp down potential criticism over the party's well-documented, unpopular positions on the abortion issue. Regardless of what the platform does or doesn't say, there are no guardrails preventing the extreme pro-life elements of the party from influencing Trump and eventually passing a national abortion ban. Don't be fooled.

Nerd narrative

There's a 3% chance that elective abortion will be banned nationally in the US before Jan. 1, 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

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